Luke Ting

Programming projects

HTML/CSS projects:

Personal Website: This website was designed from scratch using HTML and CSS and is hosted via GitHub Pages. The website allows for navigation across subpages and will receive occasional updates throughout 2025.

JavaScript projects:

Calculator: The calculator can handle arithmetic expressions, trigonometic functions and their inverses, logarithmic functions, and exponential functions. Press the 2nd button to view more functions. The user can store the last calculation with the Ans button.

Clock: The clock provides the time down to the second and features a background image slideshow. To go back and stop the slideshow, press the left button. To go forward and restart the slideshow, press the right button. All background images are credited to Princeton University's Office of Communications.

Weather: The web app displays the temperature, humidity, wind speed, weather condition, based on the city entered. Some cities share the same name but are located in different states, so a state selector is available.

Python projects:

Stopwatch: The stopwatch, with the GUI made with the PyQt5 library, measures the elapsed time and allows the user to start, stop, and reset the time. Click connect to use the web app. It runs on a Google Cloud VM, and thanks to NoVNC, users can interact with the stopwatch through a web browser.